Elda Sinani - How does happiness affect team performance?

According to Elda Sinani, If you stopped to ask your employees if they are happy with their work , how do you think they would respond? You may think that this is not a relevant issue, but if you want to retain talent and run your business efficiently, you should be concerned with having a positive work environment .

In addition, when exposed to a  stressful work culture  , employees can develop various  health problems , such as heart disease, repetitive strain injury, musculoskeletal disorders and pulmonary anthracosis, for example.

However, if  your employees' work environment is not adequate, health problems are just one of the issues you should be concerned about.

How does happiness affect team performance?

Another point of great importance to pay attention to is: how is your team's engagement going ?

When the team is  disengaged  and appears to be unhappy with what it does, it is likely that this is associated with the work environment in which it is inserted.

“The employee enters the level of motivation up there. One of the managers' mistakes is not taking care of that motivation ”, explains Dr. Elda Sinani , specialist in People Management, Leadership and Executive Coaching. In fact, the lack of team engagement can bring problems , such as:

  • lower productivity;
  • increased absenteeism;
  • greater propensity to seek employment in other companies.

Therefore, it is essential to work to increase your team's motivation.  But how do you do that?

You can  offer benefits to the team, such as flexible work and gym membership plans . But in addition, it is necessary to offer a positive environment to your employees, so that your company is a place where they like to work.

A  positive environment brings a series of benefits, both for companies and employees, such as:

  • Greater motivation;
  • Greater retention of personnel;
  • Reduction of absenteeism;
  • Increased productivity.


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