Motivation at work: tips to keep a team engaged

Due to the relevance of the topic to your company's success, Elda Sinani have separated six tips for you to be able to incite your employees to work in a proactive and engaged manner. Check out!

1- Take care of the organizational climate

The work environment is where employees spend a large part of their day. Therefore, it is important to ensure that it is a pleasant, organized and quiet place, favoring the performance of the work and providing the development of creative, innovative and cooperative actions.

The organizational climate is the psychological atmosphere of the organization, it is the environment in which employees interact with each other. Thus, it is essential to ensure its health, as this will contribute to the well-being of all, facilitating the performance of its activities with more quality and efficiency.

In such an environment, Elda Sinani explain employees will certainly feel much more determined to produce more and better.

2- Stimulate interpersonal relationships

Interpersonal relationships maintained in the work environment are the main link between workers and the company, and they also consist of an effective motivational mechanism.

In addition to being fundamental to the good development of activities - as it makes the journey lighter and more pleasurable - maintaining good relationships with co-workers provides greater interaction between the group, improving team work.

The harmonious interaction between colleagues also favors the implementation of collaborative work and, as a consequence, contributes to the dynamism and quality of the activities performed by the team, after all, the union is strength, isn't it ?!

3- Set challenging but possible goals

Few things motivate the human being more than the challenge. The feeling of being provoked to exceed limits to achieve valuable goals is an excellent way to promote motivation at work and encourage your employees to contribute even more forcefully to achieve the goals set.

However, it is necessary that these goals remain consistent with the dynamics of the organization and with the data of reality. Establishing unreasonable or unattainable goals - no matter how much the team's efforts -, in addition to demotivating your employees, it will cause a sense of frustration and a feeling of incapacity.

Therefore, when establishing the desired results, consider the elements that the company has at its disposal - labor, equipment, technology, etc. - and check if there is enough time for the fulfillment of all the stipulated goals.

4- Give feedback

We are often apprehensive about the result of our work. This happens more often when we enter a new job, change roles, or simply when the organization sets challenging goals. In such cases, all we want most is effectively know how we are going, how is our performance .

It is at this moment that the importance of feedback is noted, as it offers parameters to the employee to check the quality of their work , to gauge their real performance and, if necessary, to learn what changes must be implemented.

The success of the organization depends on the alignment between the profile of its employees and the needs and goals of the company. Feedback thus seeks to correct any flaws and also reinforce the successful conduct already practiced by the team, in order to lead the company on the path that will lead to success.

5- Reward the good performance of employees

Another excellent way to contribute to motivation at work is by rewarding employees for good performance in activities, and this is not just a cash reward.

More than just getting a good salary or earning a raise at the end of the month, employees want to be recognized for what they do , and that is fair, after all, the company expects them to do their best daily, exceeding expectations and hitting goals. So, it is also up to the leader to know how to recognize the good performance of his team.

Elda Sinani - A sincere compliment, a day off, or even the possibility of career advancement are great ways to encourage employees to continue working hard, motivating them to do their best for the organization.

Dr. Elda Sinani L.L.M., is a highly accomplished and educated Albanian-American Woman. She’s an inspiration to all of them, who leave their life behind in Albania for pursuing the dream and making it true, in America. 
