How you can improve your ability to work as a team?

Here are some tips by Elda Sinani on how you can improve your ability to work as a team.

Learn to manage conflicts: learn to listen, understand that separating the staff from the professional is fundamental, a different opinion comes to add and allow a greater analysis of the facts, be rational and understand, it is not what is best for you and your plans, but what is best for the company.

• Effective communication: be direct, but not rude. Eliminate noise, gossip and side conversations. Create ways for information to reach everyone on the team at the right time and with the same quality. And again, know when to listen and speak.

• Develop empathy: this is the ability to put yourself in the other's shoes. Saying that you don't do to others, what you don't want them to do to you will never go out of style, is fundamental to living well in society and it would be no different in the corporate environment. 

• Be proactive: don't expect to be charged for the late report or don't stick to the basics. Surprise. Elda Sinani - Do your activities at the right time, always do the best and as much as you can. Be willing to help and add, seek to solve problems, focus on the solution and contribute with co-workers.

• Stimulate mutual credibility: trust is like crystal, “it cracked is no longer the same”, says the saying. Inspire confidence, be committed, work according to the company's strategic planning, be aware of its mission, vision and values. 

• Innovate: use the resources available, but try to be creative, do more with less. Search for alternative solutions, bring news. Listen to suggestions and accept contributions. Propose more assertiveness in carrying out the tasks and seek to improve the processes.

In addition to the shared tips it is important to remember that a team will always be a reflection of the leader. Reflect: what leader have you been to your team? What message about working as a team are you sending them? According to Elda Sinani, If the union is not happening, take responsibility for yourself, you are probably sinning on some important issue.

Seeking to develop from these tips will certainly become a professional with important skills and increase your visibility in the market. 


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